AeroTech help > Using the main site > Pages

Archived pages

Why are pages archived?

Pages may become archived because they haven't been finished yet, outdated, discontinued, or the website builder that is used (google sites) discontinued features that were used on that page.

Are archived pages still updated?

No, once pages are archived, they won't be updated anymore. Only the archive notice will be updated.

Will archived pages comeback?

Most likely not. Pages that haven't been finished yet or another reason might come back.

Why are archived pages updated?

Usually don't update archived pages but google sites (site builder that is used) might automatically update fonts, style and colors periodically.

The footer always up-to-date universally throughout the site, including archived pages.

Why are some archived page features no longer working properly anymore?

Like said previously, once pages are archived, they aren't updated anymore, so that means pages might be broken permanently.

Will archived pages ever be deleted?

After less or more then 3 years of a page being archived, it will be deleted, but some archived pages will not be deleted.