AeroTech Help

Transition from current site to new site


This project has been discontinued, but it may come back.

Transition progress

Transition FAQ

Why is it taking so long to transfer?

Well, I have school for 6 hours learning useless bullshit, homework for 1 hour, and only a few hours to transfer it, then I have to sleep for school tomorrow, and I have nobody to help me transfer the site. If you want to help me transfer the site, just email me.

Why a new site?

Google sites, the previous website builder I used no longer fits my needs.

When is the site coming?

In about a week or a month, I have a lot to transfer.

What is the new site provider?


Is the site beta available?

Yes, the site beta can be accessed at

Why is the beta asking for a password?

Squarespace doesn't allow you to publish a site without password protection until you purchase a subscription.

What is the password?

Password should be shown when you go to the beta, if it doesn't, its simply betatest.